Already half way through the year!
It's been an interesting 2011 filled with fun, laughter and of course lots of magic. Corporate and roving magic has been very popular this year, no matter what the age or profession, magic instills a sense of wonder in everyone...
My clientele list keeps growing,
with previous clients including the following:
- Skycity Adelaide
- Ernst & Young
- Bickfords
- Internode
- Rio Coffee
- Davison Earthmovers
- Disability SA
- CarersSA
- Australian Red Cross - boys day out, MATES celebrations
- Brickworks Markets Adelaide
- Electric Light Hotel
- Australian Girl Guides

I look forward to performing some new card magic that I've been perfecting, can't wait!
Till then....... " Are you watching closely...?"
Till then....... " Are you watching closely...?"