The art of magic
I recently had an interesting conversation with someone about the magic and showmanship, and how any second person could easily do a trick, and how it takes a good performer, a magician to turn it into magic.
The way I see it, making magic takes years and endless hours of dedication, concentration and practice to perfect every single slight, movement and gesture. and it isn't magic unless there's a great performer behind it making it into a magical experience for all to see.
I believe that magic is one of those arts that almost everyone enjoys watching. Simply because when you see a magic trick, you're watching intently, and still can't believe what has happened right before your eyes. And no matter how hard you try to piece together how it was done, you're left wondering how on earth the magician did it even though you were watching so closely and intently.
This is where I see the true art of magic come to life, in moments like these where you just forget about everything going on around you, and in that moment you feel like a child again who believes that magic is real, as you've just witnessed the unbelievable.
I have to admit, even as magician I still love seeing magic and going to magic shows to see great magicians and illusionists on stage performing magic tricks that even I can't figure out. It's in moments like these that bring back fond memories of when I was as a young child watching magic specials on TV and on vhs, and watching great magicians like David Copperfield and Jeff McBride in complete and absolute awe.
I can only hope that I'm half the performer that those magicians were that I watched as a child.